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      Athlone ​Holistic News

Growing in Demand: Why Reiki?

November 21, 2022 

irish environmentally friendly holistic therapy

In the last few years Reiki and Energy Healing have become common-place. And for good reason!

Why Reiki?

An interesting find: Borax Powder for Health?

March 24, 2022 

irish environmentally friendly holistic therapy

Though known as a household cleaner, this powder mineral is considered by some as  an essential part of  nutrition.  According to this article  it influences inflammation, hormones, immunity, arthritis and cancer. The read is fascinating.  Worth a read, it's long but not heavy.  Something to ponder!

  I wonder why its sale is banned in the EU?

Zach Bush talking to The Happy Pear

July 31, 2021 

irish environmentally friendly holistic therapy

Excited to discover Dr Zach Bush doing a podcast with an Irish contingent. He's an amazing and engrossing speaker, well worth a listen. Enjoy!

Min 55: Zach talks about what he believes  was really happening when so many died in Italy, Wuhan and New York  early 2020

Change your expensive detergent for ECO, cost effective washing!

July 15, 2021 

irish environmentally friendly holistic therapy

Want to stop using detergents that cause damage to environment? It has taken me a while but I have come up with a good cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution! I use these products together.   Order EarthBreeze online, get the crystals in the supermarket!

I'm very impressed with The product actually works, the service is amazing, there are many cost-effective shopping options, prompt delivery, FREE DELIVERY,  they donate washes to charities of your choice. They refund if you are not happy. Their bottom line is  to look after the environment and make it truly workable for you.

I add washing soda crystals to the wash, as it whitens  and stretches the sheets a little further, and are as cheap as chips -  and environmentally friendly.  Give it a go. 40 sheets are £9, you will get at least 60 washes out of that if you combine with crystals. Crystals are E1.20 per kg in supermarket of your choice!



No Medical Hist​ory Discrimination Here! 

July 12, 2021  (updated the original of 09.07)

The events/news of the last year or so has us absolutely worn out. My treatment room  remains open to everyone, as usual. There will be no discrimination as regards your medical or vaccination status.

My business is  to create a haven for my clients. Please feel free to reassure yourself as to the hygiene  and safety requirements practised in my treatment room. Ask, or read the  documents  outlining the above!



Petition  to the Council to stop using harmful weedkiller

June 27, 2020

This is our online petition asking the powers that be in Athlone to please stop spraying harmful chemicals on our streets and greenways. 1,827 have signed so far. When will the executive make the right decision?!

Please sign!!


The Artist's Way - Online

June 14, 2020

We're absolutely delighted to announce that we have added a new product to our range! We now offer The Artist's Way Online! Our first journey started June 23 with 8 participants from all over Ireland and UK meeting one evening a week while steering through the 12 step program. Recovering Creativity can be a  life-changer. Live your best life.

'Leap, and the  net will appear!'


Hygiene Control at Athlone Holistic Therapies

May 15, 2020

It's all go behind the scenes, getting ready to welcome you (back) to safe surroundings. Documents are being typed, printers churning out the forms, masks, disinfectant, online training. This was a great course!

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